Important information regarding safety on the fells…
- The general principle behind these guidelines is that Runners must take responsibility for their own safety on the hills. Inherent risks in fell running are the risks associated with running in natural, often mountainous, terrain in all weathers, including slips, trips and falls causing injury and hypothermia that may result in physical and sometimes mental impairment. These risks are exacerbated by fatigue, dehydration, running out of energy and extended exposure times due to getting lost. (Extract from FRA Guidelines for organisers).
- BCR Social Runs are normally 5-7 miles in length, if off-road will generally have up to 2,000 feet of climb and will be completed in 1½ to 1¾ hours. Runners should be able to complete Social Runs on this basis (Runners will regroup throughout the run).
- Runners must be equipped appropriately for the terrain and the weather, in line with their own experience, having a working torch for dark runs. It is important that Runners do not put the group at risk by not being suitably equipped.
- Runners must stick with the group unless agreed with the nominated Social Run Leader.
- Runners must not turn up if they, or a member of their household have any symptoms of feeling unwell.
have been in contact with anyone displaying symptoms of COVID-19.
Click here to read more about Safety and Welfare.